

Better access, quality of information leads to better water resource decisions


Planners and participants in the New Mexico 水务数据倡议工作坊, held May 2023年4月4日,在365彩票在线过滤梅西中心,摆姿势拍照. 左起:凯文·迈尔斯; hydrologist with the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department; Stacy Timmons, associate director of 水文地质 programs at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources; Rachel Hobbs, program manager for the New Mexico Water Data Initiative (WDI); and Emily Geery, water resources planner for the WDI.

索科罗,N.M. – Before an auditorium filled with geologists, hydrologists, planners and representatives from state and federal agencies, educators, and students, a Native American storyteller stated simply the reason the conference attendees had gathered to discuss their common 目的. “你 doing is for the generations to come,” said Eldrena “Blue Corn” Douma, the keynote speaker for the New Mexico 水务数据倡议工作坊, held 2023年5月4日,在365彩票在线过滤梅西中心. 一年一度的研讨会,由 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, aims to be a connecting point for the scientists and government professionals involved in the effort to better quantify 日益稀缺的自然资源.

Storyteller Eldrena杜马 gives the New Mexico 水务数据倡议工作坊 keynote 他将于2023年5月4日在365彩票在线过滤梅西中心发表演讲.

According to conference planner Stacy Timmons, associate director of 水文地质 at the Bureau, the conference educates and highlights the implementation of the Water 数据法案,于2019年颁布. 该局是正在进行的工作的召集机构 by the other directing agencies for the initiative: the New Mexico Environment Department, the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer, and the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission. 在 the agencies’ charges is to develop an easily accessible integrated data-information platform or portal to guide decision-making about water resources in the future –  她把这项工作比作编织挂毯.

“通过改善渠道,我们建立了信任,”她说. “通过快速访问数据, 我们可以更快地做出明智的决定.”

萨拉·戈尔茨坦, water resources engineer from the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, discusses the state's draft 50-Year Water Plan at the New Mexico Water Data Initiative 研讨会,于2023年5月4日在365彩票在线过滤梅西中心举行.

Speakers throughout the daylong conference detailed how their organizations are collecting, sharing, storing, and reporting data about everything from groundwater levels and wells to streams and rivers, weather, water quality, and historic data. 让他们的 data practices more efficient and eliminating paper are challenges and goals the entities 分享. Improved access to data will help involve more people in water planning in the future, especially as surface water levels decrease and the climate in New Mexico 变得更加干旱.


The conference’s highlight was the storytelling from Douma, a Laguna Pueblo member 他现在住在德克萨斯州坎宁. 杜马讲述了约瑟芬·曼达明的故事,她是一名维基百科用户 First Nation member, survivor of the Canadian Indian residential schools, and cofounder 地球母亲的水行者. 为了唤起人们对水问题的关注,她领导了一个小组 从2003年到2017年在五大湖周围散步.

“Just like Josephine, you walk the talk,” Douma told workshop attendees. “在七 generations from now the adults and children will be very appreciative. 你 在外面做是非常重要的.”