
May 12, 2023

Four faculty members receive tenure and promotion to associate professor; two promoted to full professor

Caitano da Silva, Ph.D.

Caitano da Silva, Ph.D.

SOCORRO, N.M. -新墨西哥技术董事会最近批准了 six faculty members. 负责学术事务的临时副校长迈克尔·杰克逊宣布 在2023年5月12日的校董会上决定教员的任期和晋升 meeting. 获得终身教职或从助理教授晋升为 associate professor are:

Caitano da Silva, Ph.D. - Dr. 达席尔瓦是物理系的副教授. He earned 他获得了圣玛丽亚联邦大学物理学学士学位 of Santa Maria) in Santa Maria, Brazil; his master’s degree in space geophysics from 国家空间研究所 in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil; and his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Pennsylvania.

Alexander Gysi, Ph.D.
Alex Gysi, Ph.D.

Alex Gysi, Ph.D. - Dr. Gysi在新墨西哥州局担任经济地质学家的双重职务 地质与矿产资源系副教授 Earth and Environmental Science. He is the head of the Ore Deposits and Critical Minerals 实验实验室(ODCM实验室)和课题组在局. He earned his M.Sc. 瑞士联邦理工学院矿物学和岩石学专业 in  Switzerland, and his Ph.D. in geochemistry from the University of Iceland.

Kooktae Lee, Ph.D.
Kooktae Lee, Ph.D.

Kooktae Lee, Ph.D. - Dr. 李是机械工程系的副教授.  他在机械学院获得理学学士和硕士学位 Engineering at Korea University in Seoul, South Korea. He received a doctorate from Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.

Ramyaa, Ph.D.
Ramyaa, Ph.D.

Ramyaa, Ph.D. – Dr. Ramyaa是计算机科学系的副教授 Engineering. 她获得了计算机科学工程学士学位 在印度曼杜莱卡马拉杰大学获得人工智能理学硕士学位 并获得佐治亚大学计算机科学硕士学位, and a Ph.D. in computer science from Indiana University.

Anders Jorgensen, Ph.D.
Anders Jorgensen, Ph.D.


Anders Jorgensen, Ph.D. - Dr.  乔根森是电气工程系的教授. He earned 丹麦奥胡斯大学物理和化学学士学位; and a Ph.D. 在波士顿大学专攻天文学和空间物理学 in Massachusetts.

Michaelann Tartis, Ph.D.
Michaelann Tartis, Ph.D.

Michaelann Tartis, Ph.D. – Dr. 塔蒂斯是化学工程系的教授 chair. 她获得了365彩票在线过滤化学工程学士学位 and a Ph.D. 加州大学戴维斯分校生物医学工程专业毕业.