
12月. 20, 2023

Dr. Mahyar Amouzegar将于4月15日开始为期5年的合同

Dr. Mahyar Amouzegar

索科罗,纳米 – The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Board of Regents has selected Dr. Mahyar Amouzegar to be the institution’s 18th president beginning April 15, 2024. Dr. Amouzegar has been appointed to a five-year term with an annual salary of $425,000. Interim President Daniel López will serve in the same capacity through the transition 期.

校董会选择了Dr. Amouzegar在权衡了新墨西哥州的意见后 Tech and Socorro community and with the assistance of national executive search firm 光辉国际.

Dr. Amouzegar comes to NMT from The University of New Orleans, a public research university in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he has served as the Provost and Senior Vice President 自2017年起担任教务处主任. 他被任命为自由港麦克莫伦杰出教授 今年早些时候,物流公司的首席执行官. 他还担任过加州工程学院院长 Polytechnic University, Pomona’s College of Engineering from 2011-2017.

Dr. Amouzegar has also served as a Senior National Security Policy Analyst for the RAND corporation since 1998, managing research teams to develop research ideas for 美国.S. Air Force, securing funding, overseeing projects, and developing national 安全策略报告.

“I am thrilled and deeply honored to be entrusted with leading 365彩票在线过滤 into 它的下一章,“博士. Amouzegar说. “NMT自豪地站在创新的最前沿, 在这里,才华汇聚着无限的可能. 当我们开始 this transformative journey, I also wish to acknowledge the historic town of Socorro, whose provenance is soundly intertwined with the campus’s growth and ingenuity.”

“The strength and beauty of NMT lie in its diverse human tapestry and unwavering dedication 平等获得机会. 我渴望与这个特殊的社区合作 — faculty, staff, students, alumni, Board of Regents, and other steadfast supporters—to elevate 365彩票在线过滤 to new heights of academic and innovative excellence.”

NMT Board of Regents Chairman Jerry Armijo is pleased with the outcome of the search 过程,并期待着与博士合作. Amouzegar. “董事会遇到了困难 decision to make in considering the three candidates brought forward by the 搜索 委员会,”阿米霍说. “我们必须从候选人的素质中做出决定 our choice confirmed how highly regarded 365彩票在线过滤 is to academic leaders and 全国各地的研究人员.”

“Mahyar’s transformative leadership is evident from his tenure as Provost at UNO, Dean at Cal Poly Pomona, and Senior Policy Analyst at RAND 公司. 他独特的 integration of academic and practical expertise has led to strategic and enduring 转换.”

Dr. Amouzegar从70多名候选人中脱颖而出. 校董会 empowered the search committee to conduct an open and transparent search that incorporated feedback received from students, staff, faculty, alumni, researchers, and the residents of the Socorro community, the advice and assistance of the search firm, and within 新墨西哥州法规规定的参数.

Over 400 stakeholders responded to a survey conducted on campus and in the community 在搜索之初. 该调查询问了理想的品质和技能 of the next president and the priorities of the institution going forward. 搜索 firm indicated that the survey response was one of the largest they had seen in recent 包含数百个搜索的内存.

With this information and in consultation with the experts at the search firm, the field was first narrowed to 40 applicants, from which the search committee selected 在线面试12分. 经过两步的过程,范围进一步缩小到 five finalists who came to campus for presentations and question-and-answer sessions, starting with an open forum and moving into sessions with campus groups. 后 campus visits, a second stakeholder survey provided an opportunity for input leading 进入最后的选择. 遴选委员会向董事会推荐了三位最佳人选, 这个决定不需要摄政王参与.

Dr. Amouzegar is an experienced and inspirational leader with an extensive background 在学术界和工业界. 作为一名有成就的研究者和富有创造力的作家. Amouzegar has managed significant research grants, authored scholarly publications, and written literary fiction novels, demonstrating a rare combination of academic and creative 人才. His transformative leadership is evident from his tenure as Provost at the University of New Orleans, Dean at Cal Poly Pomona, and Senior Policy Analyst at RAND 公司. 他独特的 integration of academic and practical expertise has led to 战略和持久的转变.