A picture from the crowd's view of a performance on the stage. The 表演艺术系列 logo is prominent on the image.




Nomad Ensemble with 埃里克·休厄尔 - Presidential Chamber Music Series I

Showtime: 7:30pm
门票: 免费的
网络位置: 脸谱网, YouTube



节目:鞠躬 & 子弹
This program showcases the boundless musical capacity of the double bass. 阿道夫· Blanc deftly stages a truly independent bass part in a charming work recalling both 舒伯特和门德尔松. Virtuoso performer Domenico Dragonetti casts his instrument as brilliant soloist in a recently discovered work. 最后,乔治·昂斯洛很厉害 quintet, “子弹,” attests his much-deserved modern resurgence. 很少听到 chamber works, the string family's full potency resounds across a dynamic and expressive 光谱,一定会让人着迷."


埃里克·休厄尔——小提琴 & 策展人

埃里克·休厄尔,小提琴/馆长, holds degrees in 小提琴 Performance and Musicology from the University of Alabama and Columbia University, and is an alumnus of the Alabama 学校 of Fine Arts. 他的 主要指导老师是J。. Patrick Rafferty, violin; Jeffrey Milarsky, conducting; 斯蒂芬·皮尔斯,作曲. He has performed in orchestras across New Mexico and is the Assistant Principal Second 小提琴ist of the El Paso Symphony Orchestra.

While in Alabama, Eric performed regularly throughout the Southeast appearing with numerous regional orchestras, and as a concerto soloist and chamber musician. 在 that time he performed at festivals of contemporary music across the country; collaborated with local 作曲家 on premieres of their works; and spent two summers at the Brevard Music Center as a Repertory Training Fellow. 2001年,他完成了巡回演唱会 of South Korea which included live broadcasts on radio and television.

Eric has put together a variety of unique concerts in Socorro, bringing together some NM最优秀的室内音乐家.  Last season, for NMT PAS, he co-organized a concert with Steel Pan virtuoso Mike Schwebke, forming a project ensemble +PAN Quartet, featuring contemporary international works re-arranged for steel pan, violin,  cello and piano, 加上这次音乐会的佣金.

As an academic, Eric received a grant to research the musics of Harrison Birtwistle and Rebecca Saunders and has written on topics from serialism and temporality to gender 和avant-rock. He continues to curate a series of community concerts in Socorro and Magdalena featuring music of the last 100 years. 其中包括斯托克豪森的作品 complete Zodiac and an extemporaneous accompaniment to silent films by Maya Deren.

Eric is also a paper sculptor, with a handful of commissions and a solo exhibition 在他的腰带下. He enjoys hiking and occasionally runs triathlons. 他的小提琴, 旅行者,是安妮·科尔为他做的.

托马斯·格林,低音提琴, before he began teaching strings in Santa Fe Public 学校s in 2019, served for 25 years as principal bass of the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra and music teacher 在莱迪亚德公立学校. 他的 teaching duties in the 2022-23 academic year will include the string programs at Aspen Community Magnet 学校 and Mandela International Magnet 学校.

A native of Columbus, Ohio, Tom began his musical career in elementary school as a 大提琴家. In high school he added electric and acoustic bass and continued with all three instruments as an undergraduate music education major at Capital University. Years of freelance rock, jazz and classical work, including a tour of Japan in December of 1986 with acclaimed American pianist Carmen Cavallaro, and study with Mark Morton led to his acceptance at New York's Manhattan 学校 of Music where he studied double bass orchestral literature and performance with Donald Palma.

Tom has played electric and acoustic bass in rhythm sections with Judy Collins, Emmylou Harris, Myron Floren, Ernie Krivda, Jay and Molly Ungar, and with the Lancaster Festival Orchestra and the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra. 在他担任首席贝斯期间 of the United States Coast Guard Band, he toured the US and UK and played at the 1993 威廉·J·肯尼迪总统就职典礼. 克林顿. 1994年,汤姆被索尔蒂录取 Project at Carnegie Hall, a showcase for the talents of young musicians from throughout the United States where he performed a concert under the direction of Maestro Georg Solti which was recorded on the London-Decca label. 他也曾在 batons of Kurt Masur, Leonard Slatkin, Jean-Pierre Rampal, Gunther Schuller, Ransom Wilson, Paul Dunkel, Craig Kirchhoff, Rachael Worby, Paul Phillips, Xiao Lu Li, and Toshiyuki什. 

Tom holds a Master of Science degree in Music Education from the University of Connecticut and a Certificate of Advanced Studies Administrative Degree from Sacred Heart University. From 1996-2019 Tom taught instrumental music 在莱迪亚德公立学校 where he led large, dynamic, and ever-changing groups of young musicians. 他的学生取得了 many successes at festivals throughout New England and the east coast, including Overall Best Score at the 2016 Toronto WorldStrides OnStage Festival. 汤姆主持了 Connecticut Music Educators Association Eastern Region Festival Orchestra, CMEA Eastern Region Festival Jazz Band, and CMEA All-State Festival Orchestra.

Tom looks forward to restarting his performance career in Santa Fe, maintains a private bass studio, and lives in Santa Fe with his wife, Barbara Park.

卡拉Kountoupes, 小提琴, is a member of the Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra, Arizona Opera Orchestra, Santa Fe Pro Musica Chamber Orchestra, and Piazzolla da Camera Piano Trio. 卡拉巡演过 and performed professionally with orchestras and chamber ensembles in Central America, Taiwan, Germany, and all over the United States, including as a member of the New Century Chamber Orchestra in San Francisco and the Costa Rican National Symphony Orchestra. She enjoys performing and recording many genres in addition to classical, including 拉丁/世界,另类摇滚/流行和爵士乐. A dedicated music educator, Carla holds a Master 音乐教学中的音乐学位. She has taught private violin lessons to children and adults for more than 25 years and is currently on faculty at the New Mexico 学校 for the Arts, as String Orchestra Director and Applied 小提琴 Instructor. 卡拉是 awarded Music Teacher of the Year in 2016, by the American String Teachers Association (ASTA) of New Mexico, and received the Santa Fe Public 学校s’ 2017 Teachers Who 激励奖. She is a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory (小提琴 Performance) and 奥伯林学院(英国文学). Carla’s violin was made in the 1740’s and was 从她祖父那里继承的. www.ckviolin.com

杰弗里·史密斯,维奥拉, is a modern and period violinist and violist. 作为一个时代音乐家,他一直是 seen with the Orchestra of New Spain, Austin Baroque Orchestra, Santa Fe Pro Musica Baroque Ensemble, Jeune Orchestre de l’Abbaye, the Bloomington Bach Cantata Project, Santa Fe Desert Chorale, Parish House Baroque, Utopia Early Music, Great Basin Baroque and Several 朋友 Early Music In The High Desert. 2016年,杰弗里成为中提琴独奏家 in Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante at the La Petite Bande Summer Academy in Italy under Sigiswald Kuijken的方向. Jeffrey has also performed with many local performing ensembles here in the Land of Enchantment. Among those include the Santa Fe Pro Musica Orchestra Chamber Orchestra, San Juan Symphony, New Mexico Philharmonic, Chatter ABQ, Opera Southwest, and the Santa Fe Symphony. He has also served as a principal violist 普韦布洛交响乐团. 在科罗拉多州.

Jeffrey received his Performers Diploma in Early 小提琴 and Viola from the 他的torical Performance Institute of the Jacobs 学校 of Music at Indiana University, where he studied with Stanley Ritchie and obtained his Masters of Music in 小提琴 from New York University, studying with Stephanie Chase, Gregory Fulkerson and Cyrus Beroukhim. 他的 Bachelors of Music Performance is from Brigham Young University, where he studied 亚历山大·伍兹和蒙特·贝尔纳普. He has also furthered his period performance training with Elizabeth Blumenstock, Julie Andrijeski, Cynthia Roberts, Elizabeth wallfish和Shunske Sato.

Aside from his musical endeavors his interests include violin making, cooking, traveling, exploring national parks and Mandarin Chinese.

丽莎·唐纳德,大提琴, is an Albuquerque native, having played cello in New Mexico for over 20 years. 她的 musical studies as a young adult took her all over the Southwest, and to Miami, Florida; 以及密苏里州的堪萨斯城. After living and performing in New York City, she returned to Albuquerque to be near family and has been playing with regional orchestras and Opera Southwest, as well as producing and performing in smaller chamber and solo recitals. 她私下教大提琴。.

About the Presidential Chamber Music Series
The Presidential Chamber Music Series began 30+ years ago, conceived by Adam Gonzalez, faculty in the NM Tech Music Program under Director Michael Iatauro.  第一个化身 was supported by then NM Tech President Dr. Laurence Lattman, with all concerts free to the community, a tradition that continues, and featured The Helios Quartet, of 哪个亚当·冈萨雷斯是大提琴手.  That group had a variety of members but the two with the longest tenure were principal violinist and concertmaster of the NM Philharmonic, Krzysztof Zimowski, and NM Philharmonic violist Willy Sucre.  当亚当·冈萨雷斯离开时 the Southwest, the Helios Quartet stayed together for only a short time, but the baton was picked up by Willy Sucre who curated these chamber music concerts, developing the works to be performed and bringing together the mostly NM musicians. 这四个 concerts per year featured classic mainstays in chamber music literature as well as unique and lesser known compositions, often by international and/or South American 作曲家.  The program continued to be sponsored by NM Tech President Dr. 丹尼尔 H. 现在是洛佩兹博士. Stephen G. 井.  It was an amazing 25+ years under Willy Sucre, who decided to take a break the year before the pandemic to pursue other musical passions.

The tradition continues with the NM Tech 表演艺术系列 collaborating with NM performers and arts organizations to curate interesting and unique programs that feature stellar in-state, regional and national artists and chamber ensembles.

