

Socorro Sessions Social Distance Music Fest with Rhythm Prophets & 星期二下午2点


Showtime: 1:00 - 4:00 PM
地点: Macey Center Parking Lot - By RSVP only
  脸谱网 ; YouTube ; 抽搐 



Socorro Sessions Social Distance Music Fest II

SOCORRO–Autumn in New Mexico brings the best weather for being outdoors and with it the corollary desire for social gatherings. And, fortunately, despite the newly increased pandemic restrictions, there still are ways to party responsibly. New的人 Mexico Tech’s 表演艺术系列 (PAS) and Macey Center are eager to offer the 机会.

Building on the success of the first drive-in concert, Socorro Sessions Fest II on 周六,11月. 7  will feature 星期二下午2点 and The Rhythm Prophets. 同样的规则 apply this time as last,” said Ronna Kalish, PAS director. Cars will be assigned an arrival time and space; attendees have room to set up tables and chairs under the new solar-paneled parking. A limited number of pods for NMT students without vehicles 也可用.  The afternoon event is scheduled from 1 to 4 pm. 在线报名 通过发邮件 pas@apipros.net.

The first concert, set during what used to be Socorro Fest weekend was a success, 卡利什说. “We had 26 cars, between 75 and 100 people,” she said with hundreds of 对社交媒体的看法. “We felt very good about it.”

The Rhythm Prophets plays blues and rock tending toward the more progressive side, says Rod Matcham, longtime musician and composer, who with Eduardo Sanchez and Rob 长三角. Matcham has been playing and performing for over 40 years. “I’m in the process of recording 45 new songs,” he said, some of which the audience will 在电影节上听到. In his younger years, Rod toured, and he eyes a future with more 音乐和巡演. For now, he’s glad to maintain his business during the pandemic. It’s been hard not having anywhere to play, he said. “We lost a lot of shows around 国家.”

Most of the music they play will be original, Matcham said. He describes it as blues to rock but says it gets “a little hard edged sometimes. We have a tight signature. We work really hard to sound bigger than three people and we do a pretty good job 它的.”

星期二下午2点 is a 马格达莱纳 band which formed about four years ago, at first playing every Tuesday at 2:00 in the living room of the late fiddler and drummer Geraldo "Gerry" •科尔文. The others continued to play: Mike Danielsen on guitar; Susan Alexander, mandolin and violin; and Sarita Johnson playing banjo and spoons. George Murillo on bass, trumpet and keyboards joined the group a couple of years ago.  Playing a mixture of old-timey, country and folk with strong harmonies, 星期二下午2点 has played for SocorroFest, OktoberFest and Sunday Sessions at the Capitol Bar, as well as in 马格达莱纳 for the Samaritan Center, 朋友 of the Library, Old Timers Reunion, and Frontier Festival.

“We’re really excited about playing,” said Sarita Johnson who says she has no formal musical education and learned how to play banjo after getting one in her 30s. “我看到 a guy playing and I banged on his door and asked if he’d give me lessons,” she said. She and Susan Alexander were introduced to Mike Danielsen when they first visited 马格达莱纳. Susan grew up with music as part of her life, Sarita said, and has played violin and guitar since high school.

Once the pandemic hit, the band quit their weekly practices but Mike and George continued 一起玩. Among George’s many talents, Sarita says, is his technological know-how. “He has gotten us into recordings. Well, George decided we should do a country CD,” Sarita said, to be called Covid国家. 星期二下午2点 also has recorded a CD of Susan’s originals called 沙漠女王 and the group’s first CD called 从头到尾.

Look for some of those originals from these musicians as well as old standards when they take the stage at 1 p.m. 11月星期六. 7.

Socorro Sessions Fest II, Social Distance Drive-In Concert offers folks a chance to enjoy the great fall weather and talented local musicians in a safe setting. 与 18 feet around each vehicle, participants can set up chairs and relax outside. 食物 trucks will deliver orders to participants. Attendees must stay in their designated space, wearing masks when not eating and drinking. To reserve your spot, email pas@apipros.net or for more information visit apipros.net/pas 或致电575-835-5688

The event will also be Live-Streamed on 脸谱网, YouTube and 抽搐.

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