


Dr. Westpfahl’s expertise is wide ranging in the area of astro物理, including optical 还有射电天文学. He is well-versed in the latest discoveries, as well as outreach 努力. His research includes the study of the evolution and dynamics of spiral and dwarf galaxies using the Very Large Array radio telescope. 他是北极星的先锋, a scientific initiative that designed to place astronomy at the fingertips of the 公共和新墨西哥的学生. Dr. Westpfahl has a knack for explaining complex scientific concepts in a manner than anyone can understand. 

Dr. Westpfahl earned his bachelor’s in 物理 from Dartmouth College in 1975. He then earned two masters, the first in 物理 from Montana State in 1978 and the second 1979年从耶鲁大学天文学专业毕业. 他完成了博士学位。.D. 在蒙大拿州立大学攻读物理学 in 1985.


Her research projects include extra-solar planets, brown dwarf stars, young stellar 物体和红外卫星数据. 她 spearheaded the New Mexico Exoplanet Spectroscopic Survey Instrument, which was purpose built to look at planets orbiting other stars. Dr. Creech-Eakman is a talented public speaker; she presented an engaging talk at the 2013 TEDx Albuquerque event that explains the 科学 behind the MRO Interferometer. 她 has also been featured on several TV news segments related to NMT research.

Dr. Creech-Eakman is the Project Scientist for the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer and an associate professor in the Physics Department. 她获得了学士学位 物理 and applied mathematics and her master’s in 物理, both 来自大学 北达科他州. 她获得了博士学位.D. in 物理 and astronomy 来自大学 1997年的丹佛.


Dr. 丽莎年轻 is an astro物理 professor specializing in galaxy formation, the interstellar medium (ISM) and dark matter. 她检查ISM以揭示过去 history of elliptical, spiral and dwarf galaxies.

她获得了学士学位 astronomy and astro物理 at Harvard University, followed Ph值.D. in astronomy at the University of Illinois. 她还完成了博士预科 fellowship at the NRAO in Socorro and a post-doc at New Mexico State University. A full professor, Young teaches upper level courses in plasma astro物理 and advises 几个研究生.


Dr. 艾琳•瑞安 is the project scientist and manager of the Magdalena Ridge Observatory 2.4-meter telescope – an instrument the same size as the Hubble Space Telescope. 她 specializes in finding and characterizing Near Earth Objects, including asteroids, 彗星和人造卫星. Dr. Ryan is also known for her work in collisions and 碎片.

Ryan earned her bachelor’s in 物理 from Rutgers University in 1982, her master’s in astronomy from New Mexico State University in 1985, and her Ph.D. 来自大学 1992年在亚利桑那州. A skilled public speaker, Ryan has been featured on morning talk radio, several TV news segments and many other public speaking engagements.

她 is currently a team scientist on NASA's Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA) spacecraft mission which has plans (in conjunction with the European Space Agency) to study the binary asteroid system Didymos, and launch a kinetic impactor to test deflection technology on its small moon. 行星科学的广义定义 is: understanding the planets, satellites and smaller bodies in the solar system by studying their atmospheres, surfaces and interiors. 研究可以在 the laboratory, from astronomical facilities, and from spacecraft missions.


Dr. 保罗·阿伦特 is an assistant professor who specializes in mathematical and theoretical 物理. His research focuses on pulsars and strong-field astro物理, such as those 在中子星中发现. Arendt has appeared on the morning talk show on 94 Rock, talking about black holes, gamma ray bursts, killer asteroids and other deadly occurrences 从外太空.

阿伦特获得了学士学位和博士学位.D. at 365彩票在线过滤, sandwiched around earning 在加州获得硕士学位. Students flock to his entry level 物理 classes because of his skills in making difficult material easy to understand. 他被授予 the Distinguished Teaching Award in 2010.


Dr. Raúl Morales-Juberías is an associate professor of 物理, specializing in planetary 科学. He is particularly focused on understanding the atmospheres of the outer planets in our solar system through the use of observations and models.

Dr. Morales-Juberías获得了博士学位.D. 来自大学 of the Basque Country in Spain, and completed a post-doc at the University of Louisville in Kentucky before joining the 365彩票在线过滤 faculty in 2005.

His main research interest is planetary atmospheric dynamics, particularly the dynamics of gas-giants, a large class that includes Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Extra 太阳巨行星和棕矮星. He works with extensive observations from ground-based telescopes and interplanetary spacecraft as well as with numerical models. 研究 the atmospheres of different bodies in the Solar System gives us a broad critical understanding on how atmospheres work that could not be accomplished by studying Earth’s 气氛就.

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