Personal Site:  (CV) 


Ph.D. in Economics, Graduate Center, CUNY, June 2022.

M.A. in Economics, Binghamton University, May 2016.

B.S. in Economics, Northwest University, May 2014.

Research Interest

  • Public Economics
  • Regional and Urban Economics
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Supply Chain Management

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

*: corresponding author

  • Chen, M-T., Zhang, S., & Zhang, J.* (2024). Carbon emissions from the perspective of regional competition: Evidence from China’s low-carbon city policy. The Annals of Regional Science, (Forthcoming).  
  • Chen, M-T., & Zhang, J.* (2024). Political hierarchy spillovers: Evidence from China. Economic Inquiry, 62(1), 329-348. DOI: 10.1111/ecin.13179
  • Zhang, J., & Zhao, R. (2022). The effect of population aging on pension enforcement: Do firms bear the burden? Economic Inquiry60(4), 1644-1662. DOI: 10.1111/ecin.13103
  • Zhang, J., Li, X., & Tang, J. (2022). Effect of public expenditure on fertility intention to have a second child or more: Evidence from China's CGSS survey data. Cities128, 103812. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.103812
  • Zhao, R., & Zhang, J.* (2022). Rent-tax substitution and its impact on firms: Evidence from housing purchase limits policy in China. Regional Science and Urban Economics96, 103804. DOI: 10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2022.103804

Courses Teaching

  • Management Science for Engineering Management (EMGT 5001)
  • Production and Operations Management (MGT 4072)
  • Managerial Economics (ECON 4089/EMGT 5089-02D)
  • Supply Chain Management (EMGT 5089-01D)
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