Dr. Sihua Shao

Sihua Shao, PhD

Assistant Professor

Electrical Engineering

  • 575 - 835 - 5932
  • Workman 209
  • sihua.shao@apipros.net 

Personal Website


  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, South China University of Technology
  • M.S., Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Research Areas

  • Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
  • Backscatter Communication
  • Optical Wireless Communications
  • Integrated Sensing and Communication
  • Machine Learning in Communications and Networking
  • UAV Assisted Wireless Networks
  • Smart Grid Communications
  • Wireless Communications in Harsh Environments
  • Heterogeneous Radio-Optical Networks
  • Cyber-Physical System
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Positioning, Navigation, and Timing


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